Posted in Laptop repair

No Image: what to do

No Image: what to do Posted on 27th October 2019

Turning on a laptop and getting no image is, for many users, more frightening than if it would happen to a PC. In a PC, it is easy to detect a monitor problem; the laptop, being a single piece, seems more difficult. But having no image on a laptop doesn’t mean the computer is dead. And it doesn’t even mean you can’t fix it for yourself.

You can check up for some fundamental problems and understand right away what’s happening. If it’s a small problem, like a RAM not working, you could even sort it out for yourself. Check three simple things you can investigate before sending your laptop to a professional.

Checkup for the screen

If you switch on your laptop and you hear every expected sound, but the screen shows no image, it is likely a screen problem. The best way to figure it out is to connect the laptop to another screen (an LCD television could do if you have the appropriate cable). If there is no problem while connecting to another screen, you can be sure it’s just a problem in your laptop’s display. You’ll need a professional, but don’t fear for the integrity of your data, your installed programs, or your computer overall.

Checkup for the BIOS

The BIOS is the essential element that makes your computer start. For some laptop models, there’s a quick guide to try to reset the BIOS. You can turn the computer off, remove the power adaptor and the battery. Then, press the power button for 20 seconds, to reset the CMOS configuration, reattach the power adaptor (without the battery) and turn on the laptop.

If the screen is still blank, you might need to disassemble the laptop and remove the CMOS battery to reset the BIOS. If you don’t think you’re able to do it, ask for professional support.

Checkup RAM

It’s quite easy for a RAM to get dirty over time. You should unplug the power adaptor and the battery, and open the back panel to locate it. Remove it and clean it.

If your laptop has two RAM sticks, you can test both of them (removing one and then inserting it back and removing the other) to check which one of them is broken. Borrowing a RAM from a friend could do the trick if your laptop has a single RAM stick.

By cleaning the RAM, the odds are high you’ll solve the problem. Even if you don’t, you can buy an equivalent RAM and you might get your laptop up and running again with much effort.

If none of these methods solves the issue, the problem is more serious (like a damaged GPU) and you should go for a professional’s help.
